TNO is an independent research organisation founded in 1932 and established by law as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Our goal is to make knowledge accessible to businesses and governments. Our organisation consists of 9 units of which one is Energy Transition aiming at accelerating the energy transition together with knowledge institutions, businesses, and government, to create an energy system which is free from CO2 emissions by 2050. Our research group was part of ECN or Energy research Centre of the Netherlands that was acquired by TNO in 2018 and merged with Energy and Materials Transition unit. TNO Energy and Materials Transition unit comprises multiple expertise groups working on a broad range of topics including high-efficiency solar cells, design of wind-turbine parks, cleaner and more efficient methods to use biomass, low-energy and no-energy concepts for buildings, which have a large impact on daily life. The main goal of our expertise group Sustainable Technologies for Industrial Processes (STIP) is to provide industry with solutions for reduction of energy consumption as well as raw materials and consequently CO2 emissions in their current processes. Membrane separation technology is one of the main focus areas of our expertise group substituting conventional separation methods for a more efficient industry in terms of both energy and raw materials.
Since 1998, ECN (and later TNO Energy and Materials Transition Unit) has been developing hydrogen separation membranes based on palladium alloys. Up until now, the group has developed an outstanding reputation in the field of palladium membranes and has created intellectual property covering all aspects of the Hysep modules.
For more information on activities of TNO Energy and Materials Transition unit please visit:
Energy Transition | TNO